Dharma Relief Project

May 14, 2020 (Updated)

From Donnez La Protection, Quebec

Dharma Relief est un organisme bouddhiste dont le but principal est de prêter main forte durant cette crise. Nous voulons les remercier pour leur généreux don de 40 000 masques. Plusieurs institutions de santé au Québec ont pu en bénéficier!
Merci pour cette solidarité au-delà des frontières. #DonnezLaProtection

Dharma Relief is a buddhist organization that is committed to helping our communities during this difficult time. We would like to thank them for their generous donation of 40 000 masks. Many institutions in Quebec benefited from it!
Thank you for this great gesture of solidarity. #GiveProtection


May 07, 2020 (Updated)

From the Brampton Civic Hospital – William Osler Health System

“Thank you for your incredible support!! Stay safe..”
Photo credit: Eddie Camilleri

Thank you for collaborating with Dharma Relief and Tallahassee Chan Center ! ?


From Homes First in Toronto

So glad that the PPE Donation from Dharma Relief had made its way to Homes First in Toronto, Canada!!!

Special thanks also go to our Dharma center, DDMBA Toronto Centre 法鼓山多倫多分會, and our volunteer, Meili Chen, in helping us to identify local institutes in need and drop-off donations.

Thank you for collaborating with Dharma Relief Relief and Tallahassee Chan Center ! ?


From North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation

It is heartwarming seeing our community and all Canadians rally together during these uncertain times.

Thank you Dharma Relief for your generous donation of procedure masks! You are helping keep the staff and patients at NBRHC safe.


April 20, 2020 (Updated)

Photo by Eddie Camilleri,
William Osler Health


April 17, 2020 (Updates)

Photo by Victor Ruiz, inventory control manager at Boston Medical Center.

Mount Sinai, Downtown Toronto.

St. Michael’s, Toronto.

Trillin Health Partners, Mississauga, Ontario.

Photo by Harry Hawn, Whidbey Health Center Washington.


April 14, 2020 (Updates – Goal achieved!)

Photo by Paul Martin, Development Representative
Lee Health Foundation. Ft. Myers, FL (1st hospital)


Mar 31, 2020

In facing the COVID-19 pandemic, what can we do as Buddhists? Is there a way to work together? We have resorted to our spiritual practice to help ourselves and others, to be calm in times of uncertainty. What can we do collectively, joining our forces as a Mahasangha to help others?

Compassionate action lies at the heart of Buddhist practice. Today, healthcare workers are the first response to those who are seriously ill with COVID-19. There is already a critical shortage of medical supplies in hospitals nationwide, and need increases every day. Through networks with Chinese Buddhists, we are able to import FDA approved masks manufactured in China to Canada. We invite you to join the international Buddhist sangha, the Mahasangha, to help us procure the resources to help our healthcare workers.

