North America
Richmond, BC, Canada
Sister organization of the Vancouver Chan Meditation Center, established in 2006, dedicated to practicing the teachings of the Buddha through the Dharma Drum lineage of Chan Buddhism, as established by Chan Master Sheng Yen.
Elmhurst, New York, USA
Their website contains a schedule of activities and a treasure trove of articles transcribed and edited from Master Sheng Yen’s teachings.
Pine Bush, New York, USA
Founded by Master Sheng Yen, offers silent meditation retreats, ranging from beginner instruction to move advanced methods such as silent illumination and huatou. Meditation workshops and retreats are held throughout the year.
Riverside, California, USA
Founded by Gilbert Gutierrez, a Dharma heir of Master Sheng Yen. The group offers weekly classes of Dharma and meditation teachings. Their website includes a lively meetup site and a weekly Dharma talk podcast. Access to written transcripts of the weekly lectures is also available.
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Founded by Guo Gu (Jimmy Yu), Master Sheng Yen’s close disciple. The center offers regular weekly meditation practices, retreats, workshops, and Dharma teachings.

Global Family
Vancouver Chan Meditation Centre (VCMC) is part of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Associations, which has many affiliate centers and branches. Listed below are some websites of the Dharma Drum Mountain family. Only organizations with an English website are listed. For a more exhaustive listing of local chapters and affiliates around the world, please visit Dharma Drum Mountain.
Asia & Pacific
This is the main English-language website for the Dharma Drum Mountain organization.
A Buddhist education and research institute founded by Chan Master Sheng Yen.
Located at the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts is the first ever institute of Buddhist study and practice in Taiwan to offer a master’s degree in Religious Studies program accredited by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education.
Headquarters of Master Sheng Yen’s Dharma organizations. The website, available in Chinese, English, and Spanish, contains news of recent events, schedule of activities, information about local and international chapters
The university focuses on training individuals to become monastics. The university offers a four-year program of Buddhism teaching and six-year program of meditation practice. Students also receive training in administrative and outreach work.
The mission of the foundation is to promote educational endeavors that help people engage in spiritual practice and create a better society based on Master Sheng Yen’s vision of “uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on earth.”
Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association located in Melbourne.
Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association located in Sydney, Australia.
Established 2007, the Chan Centre offers introductory and Chan meditation retreats, led by invited teachers such as Venerable Chang Wu, Abbess of Dharma Drum Vancouver Center, and Zarko Andricevic, a Dharma heir of Master Sheng Yen, and Hildi Thalmann.
United Kingdom
Founded by Dr. John Crook, a Dharma heir of Master Sheng Yen. WCF runs a retreat center in Maenllwyd, Wales and has affiliates throughout the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom
Founded in August 2010 to promote the teaching of traditional Chinese Mahayana Buddhism in general and Chinese Chan in particular.
A Buddhist community in Croatia founded by Zarko Andricevic, a Dharma heir of Master Sheng Yen. The Center has the mission to present the basics of mainstream Buddhism and to introduce interested persons into the specific practice of Chan.